

This file can be used to very quickly set up a mocha-based browser testing environment, and is compatible with grunt-mocha. You'll just need to set the path for three files in requirejs:

paths: {
  'thehelp-test': '<your path>',
  'thehelp-test-coverage': '<required for code coverage>',
  'grunt-mocha-bridge': '<required if using with grunt-mocha'
define(['thehelp-test'], function(test) { /*jshint maxcomplexity: 9 */ 'use strict';
Function.prototype.bind = Function.prototype.bind || function(target) { var _this = this; return function() { return _this.apply(target, arguments); }; };

setupMocha prepares mocha for tests to be loaded. It must be run before we run test-defining code. If we don't, describe and it will not yet be defined.


Prepare and verify settings, put defaults in place.

var thehelp = window.thehelp || {}; var settings = thehelp.test || {}; if (typeof settings.coverage === 'undefined') { settings.coverage = true; } if (typeof settings.blanket === 'undefined') { settings.blanket = { filter: '/src/', antifilter: '["/bower_components/", "node_modules", "/test/","/lib/"]' }; } if (typeof settings.files === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Specify test files with an array at window.thehelp.test.files'); } if (typeof settings.mochaCss === 'undefined') { throw new Error( 'Provide the path to the mocha.css file window.thehelp.test.mochaCss' ); }

loadTests actually pulls in your test files, then installs window.runTests(), which adds the mocha div to your page and runs the tests.

var loadTests = function loadTests(settings, mocha) { require(settings.files, function() { window.runTests = function() { if (!document.getElementById('mocha')) { //Doing this without jquery to reduce dependencies :0) var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('id', 'mocha'); body.appendChild(div); var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); link.setAttribute('href', settings.mochaCss); head.appendChild(link); }; return true; }; if (window.PHANTOMJS) { require(['grunt-mocha-bridge'], function() {; }); } else if (!settings.waitToRun) { window.runTests(); } }); };

Sets up code coverage if configured. No code coverage under phantomjs since we're not using a grunt plugin that understands code coverage.

if (settings.coverage && !window.PHANTOMJS) { require(['thehelp-test-coverage'], function(blanket) { if (settings.blanket) { //Doing this without lodash to reduce dependencies :0) var keys = Object.keys(settings.blanket); for (var i = 0, max = keys.length; i < max; i += 1) { var key = keys[i]; blanket.options(key, settings.blanket[key]); } } loadTests(settings, test.mocha); }); } else { loadTests(settings, test.mocha); } });