

Configures grunt-based automation for the project. Just create an instance of this class, passing in grunt, then call standardSetup().

Registration for specific scenario is in each of the registerXXX() methods below. It's split out this way to keep related configuration in the same place, since most scenarios have config points in different parts of the config tree:

  1. loading the tasks themselves
  2. task configuration
  3. related watch tasks
  4. related clean tasks
'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); function GruntConfig(grunt) { this.grunt = grunt; } module.exports = GruntConfig;

Commonly-used Methods

standardSetup sets up everything this project provides with the defaults. An easy one-stop shop.

GruntConfig.prototype.standardSetup = function(options) { options = options || {}; this.setupTimeGrunt(); this.registerWatch(; this.registerJsonLint(options.env); this.registerEnv(options.env); this.registerClean(options.clean); this.registerTest(options.test); this.registerStaticAnalysis(options.staticAnalysis); this.registerStyle(; this.registerDoc(options.doc); this.registerShell(; }; GruntConfig.prototype.defaultTasks = [ 'jsonlint', 'test', 'staticanalysis', 'style', 'doc' ];

standardDefault installs a 'default' grunt handler (what runs when you just type 'grunt' on the command line) which does what you likely want it to do. You can get access to the list of tasks with the defaultTasks key.

GruntConfig.prototype.standardDefault = function() { this.grunt.registerTask('default', this.defaultTasks); };

Utility Methods

modifiedInLast allows you to limit the scope of any participating task's target files to the files modified in the last X minutes. X is defined by supplying the 'partial' option on the command line. For example:

grunt watch:doc --partial=2
GruntConfig.prototype.modifiedInLast = function() { var minutes = parseInt(this.grunt.option('partial'), 10); return function(file) { if (isNaN(minutes)) { return true; } var now = new Date(); var updated = fs.statSync(file).mtime.getTime(); var minutesAgo = now.getTime() - minutes * 60 * 1000; return (updated > minutesAgo); }; };

loadLocalNpm gets around the limitation in grunt.loadNpmTasks - that it always pulls locally-installed modules. The whole point of this project is to take the difficulty out of using all of these grunt plugins. This method ensures that any project using 'thehelp-project' needs only add 'thehelp-project' as a dependency, not the various grunt plugins.

GruntConfig.prototype.loadLocalNpm = function(name, root, delta) { root = root || __dirname; delta = delta || '../..'; var tasks = path.join(root, delta, 'node_modules', name, 'tasks'); this.grunt.loadTasks(tasks); };

Specific Scenarios

GruntConfig.prototype.setupTimeGrunt = function() { var timeGrunt = require('time-grunt'); timeGrunt(this.grunt); };

registerWatch sets up watch with no tasks, ready for other registration functions to add them.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerWatch = function(options) { this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-contrib-watch'); this.grunt.config('watch', options || { options: { debounceDelay: 200 } }); };

registerJsonLint sets up the jsonlint task to ensure JSON is well-formed (giving far better error messages than a basic JSON.parse). Set up by default to lint every *.json file in the root directory of the project.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerJsonLint = function(options) { this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-jsonlint'); this.grunt.config('jsonlint', options || { default: { src: ['*.json'] } }); };

registerEnv sets up the env task to populate environment variables. By default it uses data from 'env.json' in the current working directory (the root of your project).

GruntConfig.prototype.registerEnv = function(options) { this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-env'); this.grunt.config('env', options || { default: { src: 'env.json' } }); };

registerClean deletes directories as specified in options, or in three default directories: 'dist,' 'tmp,' and 'public.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerClean = function(options) { this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-contrib-clean'); this.grunt.config('clean', options || { dist: { src: ['dist/**/*'] }, tmp: { src: ['tmp/**/*'] }, public: { src: ['public/**/*'] } }); };

registerTest does everything required to get a number of test-related tasks in place, including the ability to run unit tests whenever a test or source file is changed.

Several options are supported by this set of tasks:

  • coverage: when truthy, the reporter will be set to 'html-cov', and blanket will automatically required
  • reporter: when 'coverage' is not set, you can customize the reporter to anything you'd like. I prefer 'dot' when running under a watch task, for example.
  • grep: use this to limit your run to specific tests
  • bail: use this to cause the mocha run to stop after the first failed test

Note: the 'partial' option will force you to save the test files themselves to get tests to run, since that's the set of files supplied to mocha. Even if we watch all files, we still provide only the set of test-containing files to mocha.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerTest = function(options) { /*jshint maxcomplexity: 9 */ options = options || {}; options.src = options.src || ['src/**/*.js', '*.js', 'tasks/**/*.js']; this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-mocha-cli'); this.grunt.config('mochacli', { unit: { src: ['test/unit/**/*.js', '!test/unit/client/**'], filter: this.grunt.option('partial') ? this.modifiedInLast() : null }, integration: { src: ['test/integration/**/*.js', '!test/integration/client/**'], filter: this.grunt.option('partial') ? this.modifiedInLast() : null }, manual: { src: ['test/manual/**/*.js', '!test/manual/client/**'] }, all: { src: ['test/**/*.js', '!test/*.js', '!test/*/client/**', '!test/util/*'] }, options: { reporter: this.grunt.option('coverage') ? 'html-cov' : this.grunt.option('reporter') || 'spec', require: this.grunt.option('coverage') ? ['blanket'] : [], grep: this.grunt.option('grep'), bail: this.grunt.option('bail') ? true : false } }); this.grunt.config('watch.unit', { files: options.src.concat('test/unit/**/*.js'), tasks: ['unit'] }); this.grunt.config('watch.integration', { files: options.src.concat('test/integration/**/*.js'), tasks: ['integration'] }); this.grunt.registerTask('unit', ['env', 'mochacli:unit']); this.grunt.registerTask('integration', ['env', 'mochacli:integration']); this.grunt.registerTask('manual', ['env', 'mochacli:manual']); this.grunt.registerTask('test-all', ['env', 'mochacli:all']); this.grunt.registerTask('test', ['env', 'unit', 'integration']); };

registerStaticAnalysis sets up two tasks: 'jshint' and 'complexity.' It also sets up the ability to run both of these whenever any javascript file changes in tne project. Within the 'jshint' task we create two sub-tasks: 'src' and 'test.' Test has a frequently-encountered rule turned off.

Note: Participates in the 'partial' filtration option.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerStaticAnalysis = function(options) { /*jshint maxcomplexity: 9 */ options = options || {}; options.src = options.src || ['src/**/*.js', '*.js', 'tasks/**/*.js']; options.test = options.test || ['test/**/*.js']; options.all = options.all || options.src.concat(options.test); options.jshintrc = options.jshintrc || path.join(__dirname, '../../.jshintrc'); this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-contrib-jshint'); this.grunt.config('jshint', { src: { src: options.src, filter: this.grunt.option('partial') ? this.modifiedInLast() : null }, test: { src: options.test, options: { //Off: "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression" '-W030': true }, filter: this.grunt.option('partial') ? this.modifiedInLast() : null }, options: this.grunt.file.readJSON(options.jshintrc) }); this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-complexity'); this.grunt.config('complexity', { all: { src: options.all, filter: this.grunt.option('partial') ? this.modifiedInLast() : null }, options: { errorsOnly: false, maintainability: 90, //we're not using these, so setting high cyclomatic: Infinity, halstead: Infinity } }); this.grunt.config('watch.staticanalysis', { files: options.all, tasks: ['staticanalysis'] }); this.grunt.registerTask('staticanalysis', ['jshint', 'complexity']); this.grunt.registerTask('sa', ['staticanalysis']); };

registerStyle sets up one task: 'jscs' with a default set of rules. You can specify your path to a JSON config file with the jscsrc key.

Check the jscs readme for more information on what it does.

Note: Participates in the 'partial' filtration option.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerStyle = function(options) { options = options || {}; options.all = options.all || ['src/**/*.js', '*.js', 'tasks/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js']; options.jscsrc = options.jscsrc || path.join(__dirname, '../../.jscsrc'); this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-jscs'); this.grunt.config('jscs', { all: { src: options.all, filter: this.grunt.option('partial') ? this.modifiedInLast() : null }, options: this.grunt.file.readJSON(options.jscsrc) }); this.grunt.config('', { files: options.all, tasks: ['jscs'] }); this.grunt.registerTask('style', ['jscs']); };

registerDoc uses groc to process markdown comments in source files into nice documentation files in HTML. It also uses a custom-developed fix-groc-stylesheet task to do better than the default groc stylesheet, recopied on every run.

Note: Participates in the 'partial' filtration option. Highly recommended when making many edits to one file, as groc runs take a long time. However, note that 'behavior.js', which contains site navigation javascript data, will generated as if only the files passed to it are available. You'll need to do a final complete run to restore your complete 'behavior.js.'

GruntConfig.prototype.registerDoc = function(options) { options = options || {}; options.all = options.all || ['src/**/*.js', 'tasks/**/*.js', '*.js', '*.md']; options.out = options.out || 'docs/'; this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-groc'); this.grunt.config('groc', { all: { src: options.all, filter: this.grunt.option('partial') ? this.modifiedInLast() : null }, options: { out: options.out, github: options.github || this.grunt.option('publish-docs') || false } }); this.grunt.config('watch.doc', { files: options.all, tasks: ['doc'] }); this.grunt.config('clean.doc', { src: ['docs/src/**/*', 'docs/tasks/**/*', 'docs/*.html'] }); this.grunt.registerTask('doc', ['groc']); };

registerCopy uses the grunt-contrib-copy task to copy files. You can provide your set of file copies file by file:

  files: {
    'target': 'source',
    'dist/mocha.css': 'lib/vendor/mocha.css',
    'dist/harness.js': 'src/client/harness.js'

Or in wildcard groups like this:

  files: [{
    expand: true,
    cwd: path.join('node_modules', module, 'dist'),
    src: ['*.js'],
    dest: 'lib/vendor'

More information on configuring file lists. If no options are specified, this method will simply pull in the copy task for your customization.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerCopy = function(options) { if (!this.copyRegistered) { this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-contrib-copy'); this.copyRegistered = true; } if (options) { this.grunt.config('copy.default', options); } };

registerShell makes the 'shell' task available if no options are required. Here's an example of how to add bower install to your grunt tasks:

  'bower-install': {
     command: 'bower install',
     options: {
       failOnError: true
GruntConfig.prototype.registerShell = function(options) { this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-shell'); if (options) { this.grunt.config('shell', options); } };