

Pulls in everything needed for use via npm.

'use strict'; var cluster = require('cluster'); var path = require('path'); var core = require('thehelp-core'); var Master = require('./master'); var Graceful = require('./graceful'); var Startup = require('./startup'); var GracefulExpress = require('./graceful_express');

The root object returned via require() is this function

var start = module.exports = function createStartupAndStart(options) { var startup = new Startup(options); startup.start(); return startup; };

The four main classes are available as keys on that main function.

start.Startup = Startup; start.Master = Master; start.Graceful = Graceful; start.GracefulExpress = GracefulExpress;

Winston logging support

logsDir is your logs directory, defaulting to './logs/' (can also be specified by the THEHELPLOGSDIR environment variable or udpated directly)

start.logsDir = process.env.THEHELP_LOGS_DIR || './logs/';

setupLogs sets up winston with colorful, formatted console logging as well as a file appropriate to the process type. Files are of the form 'worker-2014-04-28T03-04:03.232Z-32706.log' in the this.logsDir directory.

start.setupLogs = function setupLogs() { core.logs.setupFile(this.getLogFilename()); core.logs.setupConsole(); };

getLogFilename might still be useful if you're not using winston for your logging.

start.getLogFilename = function getLogFilename() { var type = cluster.isMaster ? 'master' : 'worker'; return path.join( start.logsDir, type + '-' + start._timestampForPath() + '-' + + '.log' ); };

_timestampForPath makes toISOString() timestamps safe for filenames.

start._timestampForPath = function _timestampForPath() { var date = new Date(); var result = date.toJSON(); result = result.replace(':', '-'); return result; };