

Adds a set of new client-side development configuration methods to the GruntConfig class provided by thehelp-project.

'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var _ = require('lodash'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var Util = require('./util'); var PreambleRenderer = require('./preamble_renderer'); var saucePlatforms = require('./sauce_platforms'); module.exports = function mixin(GruntConfig) { GruntConfig.prototype.util = new Util(); GruntConfig.prototype.saucePlatforms = saucePlatforms;

Before we replace standardSetup with our version which calls registerConnect we save the previous method in an array.

var previous = GruntConfig.prototype.previousSetup = GruntConfig.prototype.previousSetup || []; var parent = GruntConfig.prototype.standardSetup; previous.push(parent); GruntConfig.prototype.standardSetup = function(options) { options = options || {};, options); this.registerConnect(options.connect); };

registerConnect sets up two targets for the grunt-contrib-connect task, which runs a basic file server. Two different targets are provided:

  • test: On port 3001, this server will stop as soon as the grunt run stops, which means that it is only useful for grunt-based testing.
  • keepalive: A server on 3000 that runs until explicitly stopped - good for active development.
GruntConfig.prototype.registerConnect = function(options) { this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-contrib-connect', __dirname); this.grunt.config('connect', options || { test: { options: { base: '.', port: 3001 } }, keepalive: { options: { base: '.', port: 3000, keepalive: true } } }); };

registerMocha pulls in grunt-mocha which uses phantomjs and a custom bridge to run in-browser tests on the command line. You're just responsible for the collection of urls to hit. You might consider using the port 3001 urls available with the connect task above.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerMocha = function(options) { options = options || {}; if (!options.urls) { throw new Error('Need to provide array of urls to registerMocha()!'); } options.reporter = options.reporter || 'Spec'; if (typeof === 'undefined') { //default to allowing tests to run when they are ready = false; } if (typeof options.log === 'undefined') { //default to piping browser console output back to the command line options.log = true; } this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-mocha', __dirname); this.grunt.config('mocha', { default: { options: options } }); };

registerOptimizeLibrary uses grunt-requirejs to produce one concatenated file, optimized and including source maps by default.

Sadly, preserveLicenseComments is incompatible with generateSourceMaps. So we've opted for source maps.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerOptimize = function(options) { /*jshint maxcomplexity: 12 */ if (!this.requirejsRegistered) { this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-requirejs', __dirname); this.requirejsRegistered = true; } options = options || {}; options = _.cloneDeep(options); var config = options.config; if (!config) { throw new Error('Need to provide options.config with requirejs options!'); } if (!options.source) { throw new Error('Need to provide options.source!'); } if (options.standalone) { config.almond = true; } = || options.source; = options.source; config.out = config.out ||; if (!config.out) { throw new Error('Need to provide or options.config.out!'); } //turning on source maps unless explictly configured if (typeof config.optimize === 'undefined' && typeof config.generateSourceMaps === 'undefined' && typeof config.preserveLicenseComments === 'undefined') { config.optimize = 'uglify2'; config.generateSourceMaps = true; config.preserveLicenseComments = false; } if (options.empty) { _.forEach(options.empty, function(module) { config.paths[module] = 'empty:'; }); } var name = config.out || ''; name = name.replace(/\./g, '_'); var taskName = 'requirejs.' + name + '.options'; this.grunt.config(taskName, config); };

registerOptimizeLibrary uses grunt-requirejs to produce both optimized and unoptimized versions of a given library using the r.js optimizer. If specified, standalone versions of that library can be produced as well (using almond), resulting in four total files:

  • library.js
  • library.min.js
  • standalone/library.js
  • standalone/library.min.js
GruntConfig.prototype.registerOptimizeLibrary = function(options) { options = options || {}; options = _.cloneDeep(options); var config = options.config || {}; var targetPath = options.targetPath || 'dist/js'; var target = || options.source; var standalone = options.standalone; //turn off source maps by default, since we're providing unminified files if (typeof config.generateSourceMaps === 'undefined') { config.generateSourceMaps = false; config.preserveLicenseComments = true; } options.standalone = false; //not minified, needs requirejs config.optimize = 'none'; config.out = path.join(targetPath, target + '.js'); this.registerOptimize(options); //minified, needs requirejs delete config.optimize; config.out = path.join(targetPath, target + '.min.js'); this.registerOptimize(options); if (standalone) { options.standalone = true; //not minified, standalone with almond.js config.optimize = 'none'; config.out = path.join(targetPath, 'standalone', target + '.js'); this.registerOptimize(options); //minified, standalone with almond.js delete config.optimize; config.out = path.join(targetPath, 'standalone', target + '.min.js'); this.registerOptimize(options); } };

registerSauce pulls in the grunt-saucelabs package and sets up its subtask, saucelabs-mocha with a number of defaults to make it easy. It pulls values from 'env.json' and 'package.json' in the current working directory, so if you run the grunt command from another directory than the root of your project, you'll get different behavior.

Note: by default this plugin uses Sauce Connect to make local URLs available to the Sauce Labs infrastructure. Set tunneled = false to disable that behavior.

  // required
  urls: [
    'can be local URLs, since sauce connect is used'

  // optional; defaults are:
  username: 'SAUCE_USERNAME from env.json',
  key: 'SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY from env.json',
  testname: 'name from package.json',
  build: 'version from package.json',
  browsers: [
    'a small subset of supported sauce labs platform that gives good coverage'
  sauceConfig: {
    // test results are available via their unique url to anyone who has it
    public: 'share'
  pollInterval: 750,
  throttling: 2

Check ./sauce_platforms.html for more information on the sauce platform subsets available. More information on options you can pass to the grunt-saucelabs tasks

GruntConfig.prototype.registerSauce = function(options) { /*jshint maxcomplexity: 13 */ this.loadLocalNpm('grunt-saucelabs', __dirname); options = options || {}; var env = this.util.getEnv(); options.username = options.username || env.SAUCE_USERNAME; options.key = options.key || env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY; var pkg = options.pkg || this.util.getPkg(); options.testname = options.testname ||; = || pkg.version; options.browsers = options.browsers || this.saucePlatforms.cheapCoverage; if (!options.urls) { throw new Error('Need to provide the urls to test!'); } options.sauceConfig = options.sauceConfig || {}; options.sauceConfig.public = options.sauceConfig.public || 'share'; options.pollInterval = options.pollInternval || 750; options.throttled = options.throttled || 2; this.grunt.config('saucelabs-mocha', { default: { options: options } }); this.grunt.registerTask('sauce', ['saucelabs-mocha']); };

registerPreambleForDist installs a task called 'preamble-for-dist' which injects project version/license/author information into the top of files in the dist folder. By default, it applies to all javascript files under your project 'dist' directory.

It will attempt to load your project's 'package.json' by loading the file by that name at process.cwd(). You can override this lookup by providing your own pkg object on options. Otherwise, be careful where you run the grunt command.

  // this key will override package.json from disk
  pkg: {
    // these keys are required, either from pkg or from your package.json
    name: 'project-name',
    version: '1.4',
    homepage: 'http://my.homepage',
    author: 'Someone',

    // optional; both contributor formats supported
    contributors: [
      'Person 1 <email>',
      {name: 'Person', email: 'email'}

    // only required if no LICENSE.txt is found and licenseContent not provided
    license: 'a short name, like MIT'

  // optional; the set of files to process
  src: ['dist/js/public/*.js', 'dist/library.css'],

  // optional; overrides LICENSE.text from working directory
  licenseContent: 'complete license text',

  // optional
  comments: {
    library1: 'Library 1 uses components from X, Y and X packages.',
    '*': 'This project is a labor of love'

Note: keys in the comments object are regular expressions. If a file matches more than one key, each message will be included.

GruntConfig.prototype.registerPreambleForDist = function(options) { var grunt = this.grunt; var renderer = new PreambleRenderer({ util: this.util }); grunt.registerMultiTask('preamble-for-dist', function() { var files = this.filesSrc; var options = this.options(); options = options || {}; = || new Date(); _.forEach(files, function(file) { var contents =; contents = renderer.go(file, options) + contents; grunt.file.write(file, contents); grunt.log.writeln('File ' + chalk.cyan(file) + ' updated.'); }); }); options = options || {}; options.src = options.src || ['dist/**/*.js']; this.grunt.config('preamble-for-dist', { default: { src: options.src, options: options } }); }; };